Whether you sail shorthanded or singlehanded, whether you are a beginner or a confirmedskipper, the Bumper® will take away some “emotional” moments when approaching the pontoon, in particular when the wind blows hard and currents are unkind!
The Bumper® is a really efficient fender, to be fixed on the pontoon; according to its location, it provides efficient protection to the bow and amidships. Suitable for all pontoon or catway shapes: square or round end pontoon. Sturdy construction, from rotomoulded PVC, UV-ray protected. Registered design.
Unique patented fixing system.
*In most ports, drill fixing system is forbidden
PS See Website for Optional Deck-Bolting Kit Part Number 65843
Foam Filled Model available see Website
- See attached image
- Plastimo Bumpers Universal Mount White
- Plastimo Bumpers Universal Mount Blue
- Plastimo Bumpers Universal Mount Grey